This APP would be great if one could search by ingredient. That is, if I could enter a key ingredient and all the smoothies with that ingredient came up. Even better would be multiple ingredients. As it is now I have to read through ALL the recipes to find ideas for whatever ingredient I want to use up or have on hand.
I like that the recipes are healthy and there are some ideas that go beyond the usual fruit, yogurt, juice/milk smoothie basics. Green tea, instant oatmeal, bran cereal are new ideas for me.
Some smoothie recipes do not match their title; you click on the name and picture of a smoothie that sounds good but the recipe is for a completely different smoothie. There are also inaccuracies in some ingredients (an amount is listed but not the ingredient).
Many times when I choose the smoothies to be listed by goal category it somehow reverts back to alphabetical order instead.
This APP needs some quality control and tweaking to be liked by me. I dont use it b/c of the lack of "search by ingredient" and frustrating inaccuracies.
Aitste about Abs Diet Smoothie Selector, v1.01